Saturday, November 8, 2014

Influenster: Resource Spring Water

I've posted a few entries about Influenster but it just proves how much I love it! One of the products I received for free in the mail to review was a bottle of Resource Spring Water. As soon as I opened the box I popped the bottle in the mail and waited for it to get cool before drinking. Later I went to get it and took it on the go with me to the gym. The bottle fit perfectly in my gym bag and even after opening didn't leak everywhere. Another feature was how clean the water tasted! I'm used to just grabbing water from the water fountains around campus so taking a break and drinking Resource was so refreshing. I don't tend to spend a lot of money on water from the store but I do believe I will be buying this on the regular!

Influenster: Swiss Miss Simply Cocoa

I posted a previous entry about how much I love Influenster and the love continues! I received all of the products mentioned below for free and all of the opinions of the products are my own. One of the items I got in the Moda VoxBox was the Swiss Miss Simply Cocoa. While I admit that I am not a huge fan of hot drinks, I was delighted to find that I adored the taste. My boyfriend on the other hand adores his hot chocolate and also loved this product! It was the perfect combination for one of our cozy Netflix date nights. My favorite part was how rich it was. Unlike other hot chocolates I have tasted in the past, it was not gritty at all. I loved the flavor all the way down to the bottom of the mug. Even though I am not crazy about hot drinks, this is something that I will continue to buy all winter long! I definitely recommend this for you if you like hot drinks or maybe even if you don't.

#SwissMissSimplyCocoa @Influenster

"I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes."

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Influenster: Moda VoxBox

Welcome to the world of Influenster! Influenster described by the site is "...a community of tastemakers, social media hotshots, and educated consumers who live to give opinions of products and experiences. In Influenster Nation, influence is currency." Put simply, if you connect your account to social media accounts you will gain influence. This influence gives you greater chances to participate in their campaigns. So far I have received two Ebay gift cards as well as this box. 

Recently I was notified by email that I was chosen to receive their Moda VoxBox. The box came in the mail on schedule but I was so surprised at how large it was! I could hardly stop myself from tearing it open before I made it up the stairs and into my room.Starting from left to right on the top are the items included in the box. Disclaimer: all of the products mentioned below or in the photo were given to me for free for reviewing purposes. 

First up is the Hair Food Moisture Hair Mask worth $14.99. The first thing I loved about this hair mask was the smell. It is honey apricot and smells amazing! Not to mention my hair has been feeling so much healthier after using. I would definitely recommend this product to others!

JERGENS Ultra Healing Extra Dry Skin Moisturizer worth $5.99/$6.99: I've been using this every day for the past two weeks and I can see the difference already! My hands are noticeably softer and the skin around my nails have been so much smoother lately. Definitely a believer! 

Rimmel London Moisture Renew Lipstick $6.99-$7.49: I'm not usually a lipstick kind of girl. I have one or two for when I want to look extra dressed up but otherwise I stick to bare lips or chapstick. Regardless I was definitely excited to try out this lipstick! As someone who is used to a nude lip, the color seemed to wash me out. However I loved the feel of the lipstick! It didn't make my lips feel dry or stick at all which is a definite plus for me. 

Rimmel London Moisture Renew Lip Liner $5.99-$6.49: I've never worn a lip liner before as I tend to stay away from lip products, but this felt light as well as moisturizing. Because I'm at college and have to walk around outside in the cold between classes, my lips tend to dry out a lot faster than they used to (other than softball season). Having this has made a huge difference in my makeup routine! 

Rimmel London Scandaleyes Rockin' Curves Mascara $5.49-$5.99: I love, love, love mascara and this one was no exception! It's the first mascara I've used with a broken heart-shaped wand. I tried it out for the first time today and I am in love! My eyelashes are not very thick to begin with but this mascara compensated beautifully. It filled them out without making them look scary and spider luck-everything I wanted! 

Swiss Miss Simply Cocoa $2.29: My boyfriend is all for hot chocolate. I don't tend to like warm drinks so this pack was given to him to try out. He can be very picky with his hot chocolates but he loved the taste of it! 

Resource Spring Water $1.49: I am always up for trying new brand of water! As I tend to only drink water this was so exciting to receive. I immediately put it in my fridge and when it got cold, tried it out. Love! Also loved the fact that the bottle is 100% recyclable! 

Puffs Softpack: 1 pack for $1.99-$2.49 / 3 pack for $4.99-$5.99: Tissues are always in great need around college campuses and so these have come in great handy lately! I love how soft they are as well as the cute packaging they come in. It gives me reason to leave them on my desk rather than hide them away. 

All in all I was in no way disappointed with any of the products that I was given to review. Again all products were given to me for free and all of my opinions were not influenced in any way. Everything smelled amazing, felt amazing, and will be put to good use! I can't wait to get my next offer! 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Fall 2014

Over fall break Luke and I were lucky enough to catch good enough weather to go to a pumpkin patch as well as the park! We took advantage of the nice weather, set up my tripod, and got some fall shots together. This was our first Halloween together so we wanted to make it memorable. We went to the zoo (twice!), carved pumpkins, watched a plethora of Goosebumps, threw leaves at each other, and got lost in a corn maze. All perfect ways to spend our first fall together as a couple! Here's a look into how we spent our October.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween 2014

Happy belated Halloween everyone! Halloween has always been one of my favorite times of the year. I'm not sure if it's the cute little pumpkins, putting together a costume, or the unlimited candy but I would definitely be okay with celebrating it more than once a year! Last year my roommate, my suitemate, and I decided on a group costume (the top right picture) and I walked around crowing for at least two days. This year, my best friend, my boyfriend, and I decided again on a group costume; Anna, Olaf, and Sven! If you can't tell, I tied my pumpkin design into my Halloween costume- Anna! We had all planned on going to the Zoo for a Halloween event but Luke was unfortunately called into work at the last minute. Instead, Kyra and I decided to take advantage of the beautiful (freezing) night together and we traipsed around in our costumes and got to see some zoo animals!

 It was such an amazing night! Even though we didn't get to see a lot of the animals, we still had a fantastic time seeing all of the little kids in their costumes. I counted at least twelve little Anna and Elsa's! What was your costume and if you're anything like me, what are you planning to wear next year?