Saturday, March 28, 2015

Influenster Product Review

So if you have been around here long enough, you would know that I swear by Influenster. My latest VoxBox contained these three beauties! I absolutely love when I don't have to purchase hair products since they can be so costly. 

I was asked to try out and review the Dessange Paris Oleo Miracle Replenishing shampoo, conditioner, and oil. At first I was a bit skeptical because the smell was quite strong. I'm sure it was just the oils but once I got used to it I quite enjoy it. I'm used to floral scents but this has become a new favorite! 

My hair routine is pretty basic. I have long and thick hair so I shampoo twice and condition once. That's it! I don't usually put anything extra in because I can't stand greasy or heavy hair. I was impressed with both the shampoo and the conditioner. After my shower my hair felt lighter and much softer. I have strayed away from straightening or curling my hair so often, but you can definitely still see damage! I really enjoyed the way that these products softened that damage and made it less noticeable. The oil however was not what I expected! When I think oil I immediately think greasy. The oil however made my hair feel even softer and gave it a shine that was much appreciated. 

I would definitely recommend this product. It can be a bit pricey but the results are worth it! 

*Disclaimer: I received these products complimentary from Influenster for testing and reviewing purposes. 
#JadoreDessange @DessangeParis @Influenster 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Positive Thoughts Part 1

Can I be honest for a moment? Being positive all of the time sucks. It can be so emotionally draining to feel like you can never be down. Does that make sense? When I first came to school I was a ray of sunshine. I had my moments certainly, but mostly I was fairly cheery. I am still happy but over the last few months a lot of events have dampened my mood. It became difficult to always be cheerful or positive and when everyone expects that of you, it's draining. I never felt like I could have a bad day because others would call me out on it or say that they were going through something worse. Why is it that we are so quick to say that we are worse off than the person next to us? It's like a competition to have a crappier life! So you feel better because you have a worse life than another, but really it is a bad thing because you're life is not good. It all hurts my head. For once I wish that instead of comparing two and two, we would listen with a caring heart and then be heard by an equally caring individual. 

Because I am a fairly competitive individual, I fall into this trap. When really, maybe an event is taking a toll on someone differently than it would me. Lately this is something that I have been working on. I have been trying to place a kind word somewhere maybe I would not have before or attempt to make someone feel like they are being heard. In this way, my hope is that person will pass this on. If they don't, that's alright. I just hope to lift one person even slightly. 

Learning to find the middle ground between being positive and negative can be tricky. I struggle with it every single day. Everybody struggles and everyone needs to feel heard. So if you're reading this, I hope you know that it is okay to have a bad day. It's normal to not always feel like you can smile. Do not let anyone tell you that you are not allowed to hurt or be sad. On another note, don't let anyone tell you that they hurt more than you. Yes, the circumstances might be different than yours. No, that does not mean that your troubles are insignificant. Be compassionate but don't allow yourself to be told you aren't allowed to hurt. Take a mental health day because it is good for your soul. Recoup and get back out there.