Thursday, October 9, 2014

You Got This

If you were looking for your daily dose of motivation you found the right place! Everybody gets down- it's a natural way of life. We're up, we're down, and continue.

I'm here to tell you that you are awesome. Whoever you are. I know that things get tough and we got to stick together. If you find yourself overwhelmed just take a step back from the situation and breathe. Figure out a few ways that help you relax. My favorites are netflix, my animals, and a nap. Everything always looks better after a good nap! When you feel up to it, give it another go.

There are going to be times when you feel like the world is against you. There are going to be days where your alarm doesn't go off, your expensive cup of coffee spills on your new blouse, and you failed a test you thought you had aced.

Breathe. Things can only go up. Apologize for being late, buy a new and fantastic smelling laundry soap scent, and find out if you can do extra credit.

You will get through this. You are a strong and no one is more capable of being you, but you!

So grab the bull by the horns, seize the day, jump back in the saddle (when you're ready), and whatever other cheesy cliche you can think of.

You got this.

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