Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How to Lose Friends With Grace

Surrounding myself with good friends is something that I have always worked towards. I'm not the kind of person to be comfortable in the midst of negative and fake people. For me it's exhausting and draining. I never know what's being said behind my back and I dislike that. I'm a pretty confident person, and while I don't care what people think of me, I do care if something I do or say is awesome to their faces but behind my back is the worst thing they've ever heard of. Who needs that negativity in their lives?

With that being said, I have had my share of best friends over the years. Some I have lost because of distance, but most because we don't see eye to eye on things and so one of us pulls away from the other. Even at college this has happened! It doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. Growth is good. You start to figure out what and who you need in your life and what you would rather do without. 

I had friends who knew nothing about my relationship with my boyfriend but would go to him and tell him that I treated him wrong and he needed to break up with me. To my face, nothing was said. They never tried to get my side of the story and just assumed what they wanted. It's frustrating because these are the people I trust. A lot of them if I tried to come to them with a problem they would brush me off. And then when a mutual friend would sit with me and just listen to me, they would turn on both of us and rush to my boyfriend to say that I was being influenced wrongly. But they weren't willing to listen! I'm not the person to be easily influenced. I'm pretty stubborn and not swayed at all by other's. If I don't believe it's right, it won't be done by me. So for someone to say that I'm easily influenced is insulting. These people who I trusted with everything were spreading rumors saying that I was cheating but when gently called out on it, denied it profusely. 

Here are some signs that you might want to rethink your relationship with somebody. 
  • Everything they say is negative. Everybody likes to complain, even me. I'm the worst at itThere's a difference though in complaining occasionally about class and talking crap about everybody. If they can't be there to defend themselves, don't say it. 
  • They put you down. Whether to your face or behind your back, this is not okay. Especially since they are supposed to have your back not talk behind it! 
  • They constantly bail on you to hangout with other friends. I had a friend who did this a lot towards the end of our friendship. We would have plans and then suddenly she couldn't hang out because she would rather hang out with other girls. Occasionally skipping out on plans is okay, but not every time. If you have plans, try to be the person that almost always sticks to them. 
  • When confronted, rather than talk and listen they will immediately get defensive and make it out to be your fault.
  • They always expect you to drop everything for them but don't return the favor. 
Nobody's perfect and some of the time your friend might not even be sure they are doing anything wrong. Before immediately jumping the gun, try talking to them. However if they don't want to hear what you have to say, consider walking away from the relationship. You deserve to be happy and you deserve to be surrounded by people that make you feel that way. Do yourself a favor. 

This quote basically sums everything up. 
Losing friends quote - It still sucks though, I miss some of them sometimes and it makes me sad to see how things are now but I can't do much so I just try to move on. I guess I'll just always be that very emotional girl no matter how strong I try to be. I distance myself to not get hurt and I wind up getting more hurt, hopefully things look up.Aspiring to be Anna: Summer Playlists

Monday, August 25, 2014

5 Ways to be Successful in College

With school back in session I figured now would be a great time for some tips on how to make your semester awesome!

1. Go to office hours.

Office hours is the designated time that your professor sets aside to answer your questions. You can also use this time to get to know your professor. Find out what their grading standards are, if they offer extra credit, how much homework they will assign, and what you can do to get the best grade you possibly can in their class. At first it might be uncomfortable, but teachers remember their students. They pay attention to who sits in the front of the class, who attends office hours, and who answers their questions in class. Bonus points: If you get to know a teacher in your major really well, they may be able to help you network and also give you an awesome recommendation. Alternative: If you aren't comfortable or can't go to office hours, email your teacher. You may be able to get a lot of what you need out of the syllabus, but it's always good to build some kind of a relationship with your teacher. They respect a student who puts in a tiny bit of extra effort.

2. Find a place to study. 

Whether it be the library, bedroom, study hall, the forum, student union, or a friend's room; find that space! It is important to figure out how your mind focuses best and then to utilize that knowledge. If you know that you need quiet, go to the library and find a quiet room. Work best while talking to others? The student union, forum, study group, or a friend's room might be ideal. Or if you need quiet but don't mind some interruptions, your room could be perfect for you. Find that place and try figure out it quickly. It might take a little trial and error but once you're settled you will notice that

My Study Life: An app that keeps your schedule in one place. I prefer to write it down in a planner but I also like to have it available whenever I need it.

3. Eat and drink. 

If your school is like mine, you'll figure out really fast that meals aren't exactly awesome all the time. To get around this, find out what will be served and when. I like to get each weeks meal plan and then figure out ahead of time what I'm going to eat. Do your body a favor and please eat! Sure you could use that extra time to sleep, but your body needs it. I have a horrible habit of putting off breakfast and lunch and so to get rid of that I bought a mini fridge/freezer for my dorm and a cooler for my backpack. That way I don't have to venture all the way to the caf for my meal.

My typical week 
For breakfast: Bagel with peanut butter and a sliced banana around the top
Cheerios and an apple Omelette with green peppers
Bagel with egg and cheese on top
Muffin with a banana
For lunch: Bologna and salami wrap with lettuce, spinach, and green peppers.
Ham/turkey and cheese sandwich on wheat bread
Chicken and cheese quesadilla
Sides: apple sauce, yogurt, salad, or fresh fruit
For dinner: Typically whatever they are serving that doesn't sound awful. I usually try to stay safe with pasta, a large salad, or soup. I'm super picky about the meat I eat so I usually try to keep away from it. Although, on Sunday nights the only thing served is hamburgers and I definitely get on board for that.

Water is also as equally important! I try to stay away from juices all of the time because even though fruit juices sound healthy and awesome, they are also packed with sugars. Carry a water bottle with you to class and do yourself a favor.

WaterIn: This app is awesome for monitoring your water intake! I've used it for awhile now and it definitely takes some remembering, but how cool is it to physically see how much water you've taken in?

Food Planner: Keeps your meal plan, grocery list, inventory, and recipe collection in one place. So helpful!

4. Rest. Sure you have that test at 8 a.m. tomorrow and you've been studying your butt of for six hours already but you really could go over the flash cards 11 more times before you crash. But what is this really doing to your mind and body? You can only hold so much information and the more rest you give yourself after studying the better off you will be. And I mean, staying out until four a.m. sounds awesome but how much better will you feel if you get those couple extra hours of sleep? Your body and mind needs the rest so you should be kind to it.

Rainy mood: This site is my favorite go to when I can't sleep. The sound is soothing and you can even add background music to it.

5. Get involved. Motivation will be one of your keys to doing well in college. What better way to stay motivated than to get involved on campus? Find a club, sport, or organization and get your butt in action! You'll meet new friends, try out something new, or help some people out. Alternative: If school work is keeping you so busy that you find you don't have enough time for something like this, incorporate it into your school work! Start a study group instead or get to know the kids in your class! That way you're still involved but still have time to get all your work done.

Have a great year!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Aspiring to be Anna: College Packing List

Tomorrow morning bright-eyed and bushy tailed freshman are going to be rolling up at my school and will be preparing to take on their first year of college. Almost a year ago to the day exactly, I was one of them. Welcome week was one of the best weeks of my life! Exhausting, but amazing! Between late night ice cream runs, paint slip and slides, community service, and the constant irritating pull of the lanyard they enforce you to wear around your neck (I shoved mine in my pocket mostly sh) you barely had time to breathe before you had an early breakfast to attend before more activities ensued. Flash backwards a few hours and I was passed out in my car during our seventeen hour car trip. Go back a few more hours to about four a.m. when I was still packing my bags!

Let's face it. I am a huge procrastinator. If you give me a deadline, I will wait within the hour to complete it. I'm one of those perfectionist procrastinators where I feel like I don't want to start because I want everything to be just perfect but then have to throw something together anyway because I ran out of time. Whew I suck. So that's why almost a year ago today I was also weary eyed and less than bushy tailed and shoving t-shirts into a suitcase that I had already filled three sweatshirts ago. 

To save you from this and also me (because let's be real) I have put together a list that I'm going to use and maybe it'll include some things you hadn't thought of yet or you find just in time to shove that last random item you absolutely cannot live the semester without. 

Please keep in mind that your dorm may not allow you to have some of these items or you may not have the use for some of these items. For instance if you use a community bathroom at school you might not have need for a toilet cleaner. It's just a guideline that you can edit to fit your needs :)

Hand towels
Shower caddy
Shower shoes
Shower curtain
Shower cap
Rag towels

Mattress pad
Sheets x2
Pillowcases (double whatever you bring)
Extra blankets
Accent pillows
Favorite stuffed animals
Alarm clock
Head board 
Door stop

School and Desk 
Lamp or clip on light
Drawer organizer
Mouse + mouse pad
Ethernet cable
Printer paper
USB drive
Notebooks (One for each class)
Index cards 
Stapler + staples
Paper clips
Rubber bands
Pencil sharpener
Colored pencils
Hole punch 
Loose paper
Post it notes
Blank CDs
Power strip + Surge protector
Extension cord

Make up remover
Make up bag
Contacts + Case
Glasses + Case
Blow dryer
Extra hair ties, bobby pins, headbands, hair bows
First aid kit 

Storage ottoman (For seating also)
Under bed storage
Closet storage
Desk storage
Hangers (Scarf, shoe, skirt, pant, belt)
Bed risers
Cork board or dry erase board
Pins or dry erase markers
Light bulbs 
Tool kit
Sewing kit
Duffle bag
3m hooks 
Bedside storage

Toilet cleaner
Broom + dust pan
Paper towels 
Hand vacuum
Trash can bags

Full length mirror 
Picture frames
Wall art 
Washi tape

Body wash
Hand soap
Shaving cream 
Toothbrush holder
Nail clippers 
Nail polish + Remover
Feminine products 
Toiletries bag
Hair dye

Laundry Detergent
Dryer sheets
Bleach pen
Stain stick
Laundry basket or bag
Clothing drying rack
Iron and ironing board
Lingerie bag 

Kitchen stuff 
Water bottle 
Coffee maker 
Travel mug
Tea bags
Coffee filters
Dishes or paper to simplify
Hand towels
Dish soap
Food storage containers
Chip clips
Snacks to start
Granola bars
Freezer meals
Peanut butter
Little snacks (Goldfish, cheez-its, pretzels...)
Water pitcher
Ice cube trays

Rain boots
Sleeping bag
Camera + Charger
Phone + Charger
I-pod + Charger + dock + Cord

Keep With You
Health insurance card
Student i.d. 
ATM card
Emergency cash

If Needed or Allowed 
Step stool 
Athletic bags 
A few books to read for fun
Duffle bags 
Extra seating (bean bag, cube, fluffy chairs)
A few movies/cd's
Shower curtains 
Floor lamp 
Ear plugs
Bathing suit
Pool/beach towel

Hope this helps ease some stress you may be feeling and I hope you have an awesome year!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Summer Playlists

At the beginning of every summer the first thing my sister and I do is make our summer playlist. For a song to make a cut it has to be perfect. A lot of scrutinizing and bantering goes into this playlist so by the time it's done it has a mix of everything we want. A little country, good road trip songs, one or two bubble gum pop, and mostly our favorite punk songs or songs that we're hoping to see on Warped Tour. Sometimes songs carry over from the previous year, but usually it is filled with songs that had recently come out or classic summer ballads.  For the first week of summer this year, we spent it at our grandparents house in Florida. While there, summer songs were always playing and that is why the first song was on our list. It was playing on the radio almost every time we turned it on and so it became this summer's anthem.

Under the video are a few other random picks from the bucket list. Like I said, some country, bubble gum, and warped tour favorites are our go to songs. Making a playlist marks the beginning of the summer and so with the end coming in a week I figured I would share our summer routine.

What are your favorite summer songs? Do you prefer new or classic?

Sunday, August 10, 2014

GISHWHES, otherwise known as the best week of your summer

   The last few weeks of summer have always been crazy; what with getting ready for school, tournaments winding down, and trying to get in the last minute summer must do's. For the last two years though GISHWHES has been something to look forward to at the end of summer. One last thing to look forward to before it's off to school again.

If you have never heard of GISHWHES before, let me formally introduce you. Reader, meet the most fun you will ever have while also wanting to tear your hair out and cry while dressed in a candy bikini made out of only twizzlers and string. Now that you've met, let me explain.

GISHWHES or "The Greatest Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen" is an international scavenger hunt created by Supernatural's one and only Misha Collins. Here's what GISHWHES.com has to say. "GISHWHES is a 5-time Guinness World Record breaking scavenger hunt hosted by Misha Collins. Thousands of participants from more than 100 countries are placed on 15-person teams and for one week, through laughter, blood, sweat and tears, they acquire Items on a wild and jaw-dropping scavenger hunt list. The team that scavenges the most items with the highest quality of submissions joins Misha Collins on an all-expenses paid trip to an exotic locale. Prior Winners journeyed to Rome, a haunted castle in Scotland and British Columbia." 

Sounds pretty awesome, huh? Last year was my first year attempting this and I'm not even sure how I got involved. I'm pretty active on tumblr and follow my fandoms pretty well so it must have come up that way. Anyway, I was invited into a team when I sent out a request for one and was joined with the sweetest girls from all over the globe. I had girls from England, Abu Dhabi, California and so on. This year we couldn't get a team name fast enough and so I registered knowing I was going to be put on a random team. I was placed with a couple girls my age but mostly adults quite older than me and it was definitely to my advantage! These awesome people were so much fun to work with and had the resources to make it an amazing hunt. All of my teammates were so sweet and helpful and it was such a joy to work with them.

If you can't tell from the above pictures, I had a blast. These are just a few samples of some of the crazy items we had to complete in a week's time. I had to take a mugshot, make formal wear out of bathroom items, sketch a chalk drawing of an SPN producer, put together a puzzle with my mom while wearing mittens, have my grandparents teach me an obsolete task, get a fake Orlando Jones twitter account to four hundred followers, (I got 940 thank you very much), have hairy toes with Supernatural nail art, and the hardest task of all; make a bathing suit out of candy and string only. This was such a challenge and my mom and I spent hours upon hours putting this bad boy together. Not going to lie I definitely cried out of frustration during this one. It's intense. Last year, GISHWHES went on throughout the week and then during the last two or three days I spent seventeen hours in the car driving to college and sleeping the entire way. This hunt is not for the weak. You spend hours into the night editing video footage, cleaning food you needed for a sculpture off of the ceiling, and chicken noodle soup out of your nose from a leaf blower.

However if you ever get a chance to get involved with this you will not be disappointed. You will meet friends from all over the place who are just as frustrated as you are but it's so much fun that you don't even care! If you want to get rid of normalcy, break out of your shell a little, or like me are trying for one last hurrah before school you should do it. Throw caution to the wind and join thousands of others who are trying to make a difference in the world. Join us. You definitely might regret it a little but really, when even NASA is tweeting us what do you really have to lose?